Our Ministries
Ministries Make a Difference
Rhythm and Gospel
A musical encounter focused on sharing the good news of Jesus, exalting God, and uplifting believers through music, paise, and worship. A celebration of God's glory.
Deborah Project
This is the women ministry of the church. Focused on raising God-honouring women and instigating an enhancing network of women. Nurturing, young ladies, and women to grow spiritually, financially, emotionally, and socially needs through the word of God
Sons of Issachar
Men's outreach ministry with a focus on building the 24 century men to become all that God has ordained them to be. Restoring the image and likeness of God to reflect Godly masculinity
Couples Outreach Ministry geared towards restoration of family to God's original purpose. Matthew 19:8A
The Explorers Club
Is the children's arm of Fountain of Praise, which aims to raise Godly children who would explore and know Jesus for themselves, growing and maturing into the fulness of christ.
Word Feast
This is a Fountain of Praise Word Conference. It is a time when we enjoy the abundance of God's provision through the preaching of God's undiluted word. It is a refreshing time in the presence of God.
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